The history of Burundi is on these pages presented in five ways:
1. The Historical oveview shows in 3 tables the historical events and periods from 1600 to today.
2. The History as presented on Internet by the Burundian information channel Net Press (l'Agence Burundaise d'information Net Press).
3. AGnews: Histoire du Mwami Ntare V - Charles Ndizeye - et les massacres de 1972.
4. Ursumbura - Pictures - Google search
5. Historical eras. The history presented summarized, but with pictures.
1 is in English. 2, 3 and 4 is in in French. You may use the pull down menu History to jump between the titles in 1 and 4. Net Press and AGnews are not accessible in the top menu, but only through this page.

1. Historical overview
5. Historical eras:

Auteur: Tharcisse SONGORE
-Les clichés 1 à 16 ont été publiés par Collart et Célis.
-Les clichés 17 à 19 ont été publiés par J-P. Harroy.
-Le cliché 20 provient d’une collection privée.
Collected and editied by Trond G. Schjerven
Commentaries by:
Trond G. Schjerven and Desire Kathabwa