Arrival point for the river boats DSC03377.jpg
The pedestrian streets leading up town DSC03378.jpg
Pedestrian area DSC03381.jpg
Pantao Road DSC03482.jpg
Pantao Road IMG_4625.jpg
Pantao Road DSC03496.jpg
Yangshuo Green Lotus Hotel DSC03495.jpg
Yangshuo Green Lotus Hotel DSC03382.jpg
Small breakfast restaurant IMG_4626.jpg
Buying mango juice DSC03494.jpg
Pantao Road IMG_0764.jpg
The City park IMG_0766.jpg
Evening dance in the park IMG_0767.jpg
Evening dance in the park IMG_0769.jpg
The buss station IMG_4631.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03483.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03490.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03485.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03486.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03488.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03379.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03380.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area DSC03492.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area in the evening IMG_0763.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0751.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0752.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0753.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0754.jpg
Having fun with the areas job-splitting between women and men IMG_0755.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0756.jpg
A pro. karaoke singer IMG_4621.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0757.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0759.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0760.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0761.jpg
Yangshuo - Pedestrian area IMG_0762.jpg
Yangshou town gate IMG_4627.jpg
On a rented bike out of town DSC03473.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03451.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03452.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03453.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03454.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03456.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03457.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03458.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03459.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03462.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03463.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03464.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03465.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03467.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03468.jpg
Flower fields outside Yangshuo
Flower fields outside Yangshuo DSC03472.jpg
Dragon River Retreat about half an hour cycling out of town (iPhone) IMG_4630.jpg
Dragon River Retreat about half an hour cycling out of town (iPhone) IMG_4629.jpg
Dragon River Retreat about half an hour cycling out of town (iPhone) IMG_4628.jpg
View from Dragon River RetreatDSC03478.jpg
View from Dragon River RetreatIMG_0749.jpg
View from Dragon River Retreat (iPhone) DSC03479.jpg
Fields near Dragon River Retreat DSC03474.jpg
Fields near Dragon River RetreatDSC03475.jpg
Fields near Dragon River RetreatDSC03476.jpg
Fields near Dragon River RetreatDSC03477.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03428.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu (iPhone) IMG_0742.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu IMG_0746.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu IMG_0747.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03430.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03431.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03432.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03433.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03434.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03437.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03438.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03440.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03441.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03443.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03444.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03445.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03446.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03447.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03448.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu DSC03449.jpg
Impression Sanjie Liu IMG_4617.jpg