Palace of Fine Arts DSC02103.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02439.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02440.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02441.jpg

Intruduction DSC02442.jpg

Códice florentino - The Florentine Codex DSC02443.jpg

Códice florentino - The Florentine Codex DSC02444.jpg

La Grana Cochinilla DSC02445.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02446.jpg

Ejecutoria de hidalguía. Use of the cochinilla colour in manuscripts. DSC02447.jpg

Ejecutoria de hidalguía. Use of the cochinilla colour in manuscripts DSC02448.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02449.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02450.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02451.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02452.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02453.jpg

Virgen de Guadalupe DSC02454.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02455.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02456.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02457.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colourDSC02458.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02459.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02461.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02462.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02463.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02464.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02465.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02466.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02467.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02468.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02469.jpg

Use of the cochinilla colour DSC02471.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02475.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02473.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02474.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02476.jpg

Roberto Montenegro - Palace of Fine ArtsDSC02479.jpg

Roberto Montenegro DSC02480.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02481.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02482.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02483.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02484.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02485.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02486.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02487.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02488.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02489.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02490.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02491.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02493.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02494.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02497.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02496.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02498.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02499.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02500.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02502.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02504.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts DSC02505.jpg